
Part D open enrollment is Oct. 15th - Dec. 7th each year

Open enrollment is a chance to make changes to their prescription plan coverage during the time period. Any changes made will start January 1 of the following year. 


Enrollment Options



Let our experienced counselors help you pick a plan that is right for you!

Open Enrollment for 2024 has closed. Stay tuned for information about enrolling for 2025!

If you do not need to schedule an appointment and are just looking for a plan comparison to be sent to you, you can complete the online form and submit to us and the most cost effective plans that best fit your medications and needs will be sent to you.  

All appointments will be held over the phone. No walk-ins will be accepted.

Licensed Agent

If you work with a trusted agent, they may be able to assist you in finding the best plan to meet your needs. You can set up an appointment to discuss your needs and options by directly contacting your agent.

You can explore plans and cost options at your own convenience. The Medicare website offers an easy-to-use system to give you options that may meet your needs.



Partner Sites

We're excited to partner with local organizations to offer Part D Open Enrollment assistance in Williston, Bismarck, Dickinson, Enderlin, Wahpeton and Valley City. Each site coordinates their own hours and process for assisting consumers. Please contact the site ahead of time for hours of operation and to see if they are accepting new clients.

